Please use the above link to send your display ad through our portal. If it is your first time, please create an account and select the correct publication and issue to upload and proof your artwork.
Material Specifications
- Magazine trim size: 8.375” x 10.5”
- Full Page bleed: 8.625” x 10.75”
- Two-Page Spread bleed 17” x 10.75”

Guide Space
Contact Details
Full Page Guide
125-140 words maximum
1-3 images (Min. 6x6" @ 300dpi)
Location address / Phone / URL
Half Page Guide
125-140 words maximum
1 image (Min. 3x3" @ 300dpi)
Location address / Phone / URL
- Press-Ready PDF files must be compliant to the ISO PDF/X – l a:2003 standard
- PDF files to be supplied as composite CMYK
- Files must not contain any transparent elements
- Files must contain a trim box (set to the trim size of the magazine)
- Pages must be created to include bleed
- Files must contain crop marks. Crop marks must be outside the bleed area. A 0.125″ bleed area should be included in the .375″ offset.
- Files must be CMYK format and have all fonts embedded and subset
- Image resolution: all images contained within the PDF must be high resolution ie original resolution 300dpi at 100%. The effective resolution at the size it is scaled to on the page should be 300dpi. Savvy360 must be notified if the resolution of an image is supplied intentionally lower than 300dpi
- 1-bit image resolution should be at least 2400dpi
- Files must not include any Transfer Curves or Halftone Information
- Files must not have any security or encryption settings applied
- JBIG or JPEG2000 compression must not be used
- Files should not include Javascript or Actions, should not include layers or forms or have any embedded Postscript Fragments
- Annotations should not be set to print